The spectral piano

Fonte Steinway à Leipzig Autore Mypouss from Rennes, France, Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo 2.0 Generico, no change was made

Il termine “spettrale” ha introdotto nella musica una particolare attitudine dell’ascolto, ossia quella di cercare un’espansione del suono nello spazio circostante la fonte di emissione dei suoni stessi; piazzare un microfono davanti ad uno strumento e dotarlo di

Articolo precedenteChitarre incoscienti per soggetti coscienti
Articolo successivoBernd Richard Deutsch: Dr. Futurity
Music writer, independent researcher and founder of the magazine 'Percorsi Musicali'. He studied music, he wrote hundreads of essays and reviews of cds and books (over 2000 articles) and his work is widely appreciated in Italy and abroad via quotations, texts' translations, biographies, liner notes for prestigious composers, musicians and labels. He provides a modern conception of musical listening, which meditates on history, on the aesthetic seductions of sounds, on interdisciplinary relationships with other arts and cognitive sciences. He is also a graduate in Economics.