Math-rock: fisionomia e prospettiva

Source Own work Author Nomo michael hoefner, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.
Uno dei pulviscoli maggiori di imprecisione sul concetto di definizione musicale si annida nell’ambito di quello che la critica specializzata rock denomina math-rock: costola o deriva del post-rock o incrocio tra elementi rock grezzi e minimalismo sono alcune delle risultanti che emergono da un’analisi che è molto più semplice e schematica di quanto si possa pensare. L’enorme

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Music writer, independent researcher and founder of the magazine 'Percorsi Musicali'. He studied music, he wrote hundreads of essays and reviews of cds and books (over 2000 articles) and his work is widely appreciated in Italy and abroad via quotations, texts' translations, biographies, liner notes for prestigious composers, musicians and labels. He provides a modern conception of musical listening, which meditates on history, on the aesthetic seductions of sounds, on interdisciplinary relationships with other arts and cognitive sciences. He is also a graduate in Economics.