Marina Džukljev in trio and solo piano


Serbian, Novi-Sad-based pianist-organist-educator Marina Džukljev is a classically-trained musician who performed free improvised, classical and contemporary music. She has collaborated with like-minded, innovative European improvisers, and sound and multimedia artists such as dieb13, Michael Thieke, Isabelle Duthoit, Tristan Honsinger, Franz Hautzinger, Biliana Voutchkova, and Christof Kurzmann. She plays in the ensemble of Hungarian violist-composer Szilárd Mezei.

Flowers We Are is the free-improvising trio of pianist-organist Džukljev with Viennese double bass player and sound artist Matija Schellander and hyper-cellist and sound artist noid (aka Arnold Haberl). The trio is an extension of the duo of