Gaudenz Badrutt x 2: with Tetrao Tetrix and solo

Gaudenz Badrutt, photo bandcamp page

Tetrao Tetrix is the free improv meets sound art trio of three experienced and innovative sonic explorers – Swiss electroacoustic musician Gaudenz Badrutt, French alto sax player Jean-Luc Guionnet, and French-Japanese violist Frantz Loriot. The three musicians first met at the Swiss, Biel/Bienne-based Joyful Noise encounters in December 2018, and immediately agreed on the distinct aesthetics of the trio, blending and interweaving different sonic sources, from Badrutt’s experimental electronics (he uses internal feedbacks, oscillators, and modular live-sampling) to Guionnet and Loriot’s acoustic, free improvised music.

Nyctalopia (a term referencing night blindness or difficulty of the eye in visualizing under dim light or at night)

Articolo precedenteJakub Rataj: Kratzer
Articolo successivoOpusOne Academy
Eyal Hareuveni is a freelance journalist based in Jerusalem, Israel, and a reviewer for The Free Jazz Collective and the Scandinavian website Salt Peanuts.