
Percorsi Musicali (Musical paths) is a magazine dedicated to an orientation toward and keeping current with contemporary music in the expressive forms that belong to our time. Ettore Garzia is the founder and editor of the magazine. Percorsi Musicali aims to address the musical arts wherever they are, with accents on classical composition and improvisation. Every month, it offers new topics of knowledge via critical essays, specific sections, short interviews and selected reviews of CDs and books.

The magazine was officially born on September 1, 2019. This date marks the specific editorial direction of the magazine: all articles prior to September 1, 2019 come from the homonymous Ettore Garzia’s blog (simultaneously closed with the birth of this magazine).

Subscriptions to Percorsi Musicali

You have three options:

  1. click on bar/link “Abbonati, leggi tutti gli articoli 12 mesi 52 euro” in any of the paid articles: new subscribers will be automatically redirected to paypal for the purchase and execution of the payment. At the end of the procedure they will be “recognized” by the Percorsi Musicali platform as paying subscribers and by email we will provide complete credentials for further access.
  2. make a payment to the paypal account “” for the amount of the subscription (52 euros) and with the purpose of transfer “Subscription webzine Percorsi Musicali 12 months“. After the payment we will send you a password with a separate email;
  3. make a transfer to this IBAN IT35V0329601601000067437312, for the amount of 49 euros, with the purpose of transfer “Subscription webzine Percorsi Musicali 12 months”. Upon receipt of the amount, we will immediately send passwords for unlimited access.

Please note:
After you subscribe to the magazine and every time you want to return on our website, pay attention to the drop-down menu under ABBONAMENTI and choose Area Abbonati. A box will appear where you enter your username and password.

Most of the articles are in Italian, but we also provide with a translation service (with separate paid) for readers, musicians or scholars who want an English translation; for any reason you can contact this email: