Carlos “Zingaro”/João Madeira/Sofia Borges: Trizmaris


Portuguese double bass player, composer, and improviser João Madeira is known for his long-time work with the free-improvising ensembles of violist Ernesto Rodrigues (the head of the Creative Sources label). But since Madeira founded his own label, 4DaRecord, he has been exploring new processes of creating and composing music and new concepts of musical performance.

Trizmaris documents the very first meeting of the free improvising trio of Madeira, featuring veteran violinist Carlos “Zíngaro”, one of the pioneers of the European free improvisation scene and one of the most influential figures in the Portuguese free scene (who has recorded four months later another free improvised EP with Madeira and guitarist Guillaume Gargaud, N’Bandi, 4DaRecord), and young drummer-percussionist Sofia Borges (who recorded before with Medeira and cellist Helena Espvall the free improvised album Five Sneaky Leaf Tales, 4DaRecord, 2022). This trio was recorded at BOTA (Base