Reinhold Friedl & Costis Drygianakis – τὰ ἀμφότερα ἓν / ta amfótera en /...

τὰ ἀμφότερα ἓν / ta amfótera en / two into one (a quote borrowed from the book of Ephesians in the New Testament) documents the first collaboration between German avant-garde pianist-composer and the artistic...

Martina Bertoni – Electroacoustic Works for Halldorophone

Italian, Berlin-based experimental cellist-composer-educator Martina Bertoni explores the curious instrument Halldorophone, originally designed by Halldór Úlfarsson in 2008, as an algorithmic system to examine tunings and the mathematical relationships between harmonic frequencies, in her...

Tommaso Rolando / Domiziano Maselli – Enjoy Country Music

Italian, Genova-based experimental double bass player (and the founder and director of the  Torto Editions label) Tommaso Rolando has a highly personal, unorthodox approach to his instrument, and his improvisational work extends beyond music,...

Maya Attoun / Adaya Godlevsky / Lior Ashkenazy – 24/24

In April 2021, during the COVID-19 lockdowns, late Israeli multidisciplinary artist Maya Attoun (1974-2022) invited musicians-sound artists Adaya Godlevsky and Lior Ashkenazy to perform a live soundtrack for her exhibition, Solar Mountains & Broken...

Ilinx – Flipperen

Ilinx is the trio of Romanian, New York-based vocalist-guitarist Suzana Lașcu, Dutch pianist-synth player Reinier van Houdt, and sound artist-DJ-clarinetist-guzheng and electronics player Robert Kroos, all are genre-defying composers who work in the realm...

Anna Clementi & Thomas Stern – DOPPELMOPPEL – Poems by Kurt Schwitters

German revolutionary artist Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948) is known today for his periodical editions of Merz paintings and his Dadaist sound poetry. His famous poetic work, Ursonate (Original sonata), was performed by Dutch vocal artist...

Endings: l’ultima pubblicazione Full Spectrum

one last journey across the horizon line, reaching toward the Infinite Future Il 175esimo disco Full Spectrum certifica la fine delle pubblicazioni per l’etichetta statunitense. È sempre un dispiacere, per tutti gli appassionati dei nuovi...

Isabelle Duthoit & Ocnos Arkestra – Chillar todo el día

Isabelle Duthoit is a French clarinetist-vocal artist, known for her work with like-minded genre-defying improvisers like trumpeter Franz Hautzinger (her partner), double bass master Joelle Leandre and pianist Marilyn Crispell. The Spanish Seville-based Ocnos...

Martin Tétreault: Vraiment plus de Snipettes!!!

Canadian, Québec-based Martin Tétreault is a sound artist, turntablist, DJ and improviser who came to music from the visual arts milieu. His work shifted from highly imaginative puzzles of musical citations to exploration of...

Experimental sound art with poetic, political references: Fear of the Object

Fear of the Object is an experimental audio-visual project of Norwegian video artist and video synth player Kjell Bjørgeengen, known for his work John Tilbury and Keith Rowe, and American, Mexico City-based percussionist and...


OpusOne Academy

Una bella iniziativa viene dalla Francia e dall'ensemble L'Itinéraire: con OpusOne, accademia d'iniziazione alla composizione, si dà l'occasione a compositori in erba di cominciare...