Andrew Staniland: Talking down the tiger and other compositions

Andrew Staniland is among the heirs of the best Canadian electroacoustic music. He is a composer particularly stimulated by developments of the old classical composition, as well as by the new doctrines of electronics....

Marino Formenti: Liszt inspections

Liszt distilled musical rhetoric at the end of his career, attenuated harmonic connections, reduced sonorities, gambled with abrupt juxtaposition and silence, cultivated simplicity, and highlighted the fragmentary. Late Liszt has forced us to rethink...

Armenian piano music

  Mikael Ayrapetyan is an Armenian pianist with a specific goal: to deliver hidden gems of the Armenian classical repertoire. In this collection, he plays a series of beautiful compositions for solo piano, in chronological...

Elements Eternal: Gryphon Trio plays Canadian composers

Even if today it is truly difficult to scandalize with certain methods, it is also true that the process of renovation of classical music might know no pause: the compositions given by Canadian composers...

Dmitrij Sostakovic: Trascrivere la vita intera

E' benvenuta questa edizione italiana di uno dei più affascinanti libri sul compositore russo Dmitrij Sostakovic: Elizabeth Wilson, violoncellista inglese della classe di Rostropovich, nel 1994 ricostruì con pazienza tutta la vita del compositore...

Airi Yoshioka & the Violin Alone

Much has changed in Western art music since the modern violin family was developed in Northern Italy in the early 16thcentury. Formal conventions have come and gone, tonality has evolved, broadened and dissolved, and...

Sofia Gubaidulina: Complete Guitar Works

        The first collection in cd of compositions by Sofia Gubaidulina devoted entirely to works for guitar contains older and solo compositions for the acoustic guitar plus new compositions that unfold in combination with other...

Xu Shuya: Nirvana & other compositions

The noble attempt to work out difficult textures and conceptual music is the aim of Xu Shuya. He takes advantage of the musical proximity between Western contemporary orchestras and Eastern orchestras, which allows the...

Jarrett tra “solo” e concerti

Un insegnamento oggettivo che scaturisce dall'ascolto delle registrazioni di musica classica è che talvolta esse non riescono a riprodurre interamente le dinamiche dell'esibizione che è alla loro origine: questo principio può essere applicato con...

Inconciliabili aspetti del post-Takemitsu

E' da tempo che esprimo un parallelo oggettivo tra la recente storia economica del Giappone e quella italiana, con delle differenziazioni che permettono di individuare la personalità di un popolo. In Giappone dopo le...


Donaueschinger Musiktage 2024

Comincia oggi il celebre festival di musica contemporanea a Donaueschinger. Con un'abbondanza di prime assolute, la rassegna esplora la relazione tra individui e gruppi...

Il mtr 2024 a Napoli