Toshio Hosokawa: Gardens

Gardens is the second release that Kairos dedicates to Toshio Hosokawa's music, a monograph who especially highlights the compositions for ensembles by the Japanese composer. It is a matter of documenting a work parallel...

Patrick Ozzard-Low: In opposition

Many make a mistake of evaluation when they reflect on the innovative value of Boulez and Barraqué's sonatas on the piano: the musical literature was complicit in that approach that pervaded the world of...

Polymath Elliott Sharp explores the world of mandolins

American, New York-based polymath Elliott Sharp is a composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and author, the bandleader of the Orchestra Carbon, Tectonics and Terraplane with compositional strategies that borrow themes from fractal geometry, chaos theory and...

Lines and spaces: Naomi Pinnock

Fu molto facile per gli esperti del dipinto inserire un'artista come Agnes Martin nei movimenti minimalistici della pittura: questo era vero nei mezzi impiegati ma era facilmente negabile se si prendevano in considerazione gli...


Musica in Prossimità 2024

Ritorna dal 29 novembre il festival di Musica in Prossimità a Pinerolo. Come sempre, dietro la rassegna c'è l'associazione Metamorfosi Notturne con la mano...