Notes on the Music of Sound III: Time and Plastic Organization in Timbral Music

Daniel Barbiero Astratto: Il tempo è un elemento strutturale nelle opere timbriche. Esso svolge un ruolo sintattico grazie alla sua capacità di integrare e separare eventi sonori. Spazi negativi, silenzi,  sono elementi di tempo che...

Tom Johnson rip

American composer Tom Johnson (1939-2024), whose body of work included instrumental and vocal pieces employing pared-down musical material, died in Paris on the last day of 2024, at age 85. Johnson grew up in the...

Tod Dockstader (1932-2015)

The work of American sound artist Tod Dockstader (1932-27 Feb 2015) ran parallel to the technological changes that took electronic music from tape manipulation to the synthesizer. Dockstader started out in the visual arts, working...

“To Play Is Both a Sign and a Symptom of Existence”: David Toop’s Into...

  The usual caveats warning against generalizations aside, it’s safe to say that in the arts as in other fields of life, the second half of the twentieth century was an era of improvisation. Encouraged...

Un simposio per il contrabbasso: le basi di una nuova era (parte seconda)

  Alisei & Stefano Scodanibbio’s Poetics of the Double Bass 1 In a recent piece I suggested that the contemporary equivalent or near-equivalent of the old Common Practice of functional harmony just might be found in the...

Timothy McCormack’s Geological Soundscapes

Pull up an image of a karst and you’re likely to see a distressed, often vertiginous landscape of water-carved rock faces pitted with crevices and caves. Under the surface may be running water, but...

Notes on the music of sound: Material, Medium & Manner (first part)

Daniel Barbiero (These notes aren’t intended to be a systematic consideration of timbral music; instead, they record some suggestions and impressions.) The music of timbre considered qua sound imagines timbre as something in itself, as a...

From the Borderland between Sound and Music

Uno dei tratti distintivi della musica colta del XX secolo è l'emergere del timbro come oggetto di interesse musicale a sé stante, del tutto indipendente dal tono, armonia o ritmo. Il "classico" di Robert...


ECLAT Festival

Nel pieno di una campagna elettorale estremamente rischiosa per la Germania democratica inizia l'ECLAT festival a Stoccarda. L'edizione del 2025 vede numerosi partecipanti in...

Susan Alcorn Lobato