Viola & Electronics: The Voice of a Hybrid Being

Although traditionally used to fill in harmonies or double melody lines, the viola has become increasingly prominent as a solo instrument in modern and experimental settings. Part of its appeal is the relative salience...

Notes on Field Recording

(My recent work on Doubting All Things Aligned, a collaboration with Chris Lynn that combines field recordings with composed and improvised music, stimulated these thoughts on field recordings—the part of the collaboration I was...

Gato Barbieri (1932-2016)

Although probably best known for his soundtrack to the 1972 Bernardo Bertolucci film Last Tango in Paris, tenor saxophonist Leandro “Gato” Barbieri, who died on April 2, was an innovator in fusing elements of...

Christopher Shultis & the Experimental Music Tradition

The 1920s and 1930s were a fertile time for experimental music in America. Composers such as Henry Cowell, George Antheil, William Russell—and very soon after, John Cage—explored...

After All, Saxophone is a Metal Instrument: Ulrich Krieger’s “Acoustic Electronics”

By most accounts, one of the most perplexing rock albums ever released was Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. Was it a taunting prank directed at Reed’s fans, the grudging fulfillment of a contractual obligation...

Marcio Mattos: “Cello Is the Bit of the Bass That Was Missing”

The relationship between the cello and double bass isn’t quite as straightforward as it might seem. More first cousins than siblings—the double bass is thought to derive from the old viols, while the cello...


Venezia – Biennale Musica 2024

Per il consueto appuntamento con la Biennale Musica 2024 il tema scelto è quello della 'musica assoluta', intesa come musica scritta o programmata senza...

Now Music Festival 2024