Irving Fine’s Twelve-tone Neoclassicism

Mid-20thcentury art music in America was largely dominated by twelve-tone composition. Other types of music were being composed, neoclassicism among them, but in the postwar years it was serial and other forms of composition...

Håkon Thelin’s Folk Music for Double Bass

Any musical instrument represents a certain set of possibilities. Constrained by the instrument’s particular characteristics—both as a unique individual and as a member of a class of instruments—these possibilities offer a range of potential...

Robert Erickson’s Orchestral Colors: Auroras & Other Works

I lavori orchestrali di Robert Erickson sono importanti per il modo con cui incarnano molti dei principi della composizione timbrica elaborati nel suo libro "Sound Structure in Music". I quattro pezzi orchestrali raccolti sul...

Viola & Electronics: The Voice of a Hybrid Being

Although traditionally used to fill in harmonies or double melody lines, the viola has become increasingly prominent as a solo instrument in modern and experimental settings. Part of its appeal is the relative salience...

Airi Yoshioka & the Violin Alone

Much has changed in Western art music since the modern violin family was developed in Northern Italy in the early 16thcentury. Formal conventions have come and gone, tonality has evolved, broadened and dissolved, and...

Gesture – Event – Structure

di Daniel Barbiero   In questo sito, del contrabbassista Daniel Barbiero ho già avuto modo di parlare (1). Residente a Washington DC, Daniel è uno dei più attivi ed oculati musicisti di quella zona, sempre proteso...

Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values

Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values Daniel Barbiero 1 Much contemporary experimental music puts sound color, or timbre, to the foreground, generally through extended techniques or...


Venezia – Biennale Musica 2024

Per il consueto appuntamento con la Biennale Musica 2024 il tema scelto è quello della 'musica assoluta', intesa come musica scritta o programmata senza...

Now Music Festival 2024