Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values
Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values
Daniel Barbiero
Much contemporary experimental music puts sound color, or timbre, to the foreground, generally through extended techniques or...
The Unstable Stasis of Acoustic Drone & The Pitch
Sebbene sia frequentemente associata a fonti sonore esclusivamente elettroniche, la drone music può essere suonata su strumenti acustici con risultati gratificanti. L'ensemble internazionale The Pitch mostra come la drone music acustica può essere composta...
Music as Sound as Music: On Making Nostos
Nostos, a collaboration between bassist/electronics artist Cristiano Bocci (Follonica GR) and myself, represents a melding of the organic, acoustic sounds of the double bass with after-the-fact timbres and supplementary compositional structures afforded by the...
Marcio Mattos: “Cello Is the Bit of the Bass That Was Missing”
The relationship between the cello and double bass isn’t quite as straightforward as it might seem. More first cousins than siblings—the double bass is thought to derive from the old viols, while the cello...
Renewing Modernism: The Music of Ross Feller
Through its innovations in technique, technology and formal structures, the Western art music of the second half of the last century continues to exert influence on and offer possibilities to contemporary composers and performers....
An Alternative Modernism: David Diamond’s String Quartets Nos. 2, 9 & 10
The American composer David Diamond would seem to have been something of a master of unfortunate timing. Holding to the indispensability of melody and traditional compositional techniques when both were thought to be in...