Sonic Circuits 2014: A Festival of Experimental Music
Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center, Silver Spring, Maryland USA
3-5 October 2014
by Daniel Barbiero
For fifteen years or so, the Sonic Circuits Festival of Experimental Music has brought challenging sound and multimedia performances to the Washington DC...
From the Borderland between Sound and Music
Uno dei tratti distintivi della musica colta del XX secolo è l'emergere del timbro come oggetto di interesse musicale a sé stante, del tutto indipendente dal tono, armonia o ritmo. Il "classico" di Robert...
a conversation with cristiano bocci
It’s been said that music is really just applied mathematics. For Cristiano Bocci, an instrumentalist/composer/sound artist from Follonica, Italy, that statement is true in ways that go beyond the obvious. For in addition to...
Notes on Field Recording
(My recent work on Doubting All Things Aligned, a collaboration with Chris Lynn that combines field recordings with composed and improvised music, stimulated these thoughts on field recordings—the part of the collaboration I was...
Viola & Electronics: The Voice of a Hybrid Being
Although traditionally used to fill in harmonies or double melody lines, the viola has become increasingly prominent as a solo instrument in modern and experimental settings. Part of its appeal is the relative salience...
Un simposio per il contrabbasso: le basi di una nuova era (parte prima)
Nell'area delle sfide e delle interposizioni di genere musicale, il contrabbasso può vantare una nuova storia: gli attuali orientamenti permettono di acclarare una certa effervescenza su quanto si produce nelle rinnovate visuali di compositori...
Renewing Modernism: The Music of Ross Feller
Through its innovations in technique, technology and formal structures, the Western art music of the second half of the last century continues to exert influence on and offer possibilities to contemporary composers and performers....
Irving Fine’s Twelve-tone Neoclassicism
Mid-20thcentury art music in America was largely dominated by twelve-tone composition. Other types of music were being composed, neoclassicism among them, but in the postwar years it was serial and other forms of composition...
Christopher Shultis & the Experimental Music Tradition
The 1920s and 1930s were a fertile time for experimental music in America. Composers such as Henry Cowell, George Antheil, William Russell—and very soon after, John Cage—explored...