Franck Bedrossian’s Don Quixote

In Cervantes' Don Quixote of La Mancha, at a certain point, the protagonist of the novel lets himself be lowered into the Montésino's cave and he discovers a world composed of hidden wonders: Don...

About angles, modules and geometric shapes: a focus on Anna Webber

It could be objected that an angular art is not the result of the intuition of modern times, but that it was already installed in the minds of many very ancient men, as a...

Irving Fine’s Twelve-tone Neoclassicism

Mid-20thcentury art music in America was largely dominated by twelve-tone composition. Other types of music were being composed, neoclassicism among them, but in the postwar years it was serial and other forms of composition...

Håkon Thelin’s Folk Music for Double Bass

Any musical instrument represents a certain set of possibilities. Constrained by the instrument’s particular characteristics—both as a unique individual and as a member of a class of instruments—these possibilities offer a range of potential...

Robert Erickson’s Orchestral Colors: Auroras & Other Works

I lavori orchestrali di Robert Erickson sono importanti per il modo con cui incarnano molti dei principi della composizione timbrica elaborati nel suo libro "Sound Structure in Music". I quattro pezzi orchestrali raccolti sul...

Viola & Electronics: The Voice of a Hybrid Being

Although traditionally used to fill in harmonies or double melody lines, the viola has become increasingly prominent as a solo instrument in modern and experimental settings. Part of its appeal is the relative salience...

Sulle strade di Aristotele: le percussioni di Vasco Trilla

Spesso si ha una conoscenza sbagliata sulla provenienza di alcune percussioni abbondantemente usate dai musicisti. Prendete il caso dei gongs, per esempio, la cui origine sembrerebbe orientale: in realtà, le prime tracce della loro...

Christian Lillinger, the Punkt.Vrt.Plastik’s project and a short interview

Listening to the Trio Punkt.Vrt.Plastik immediately suggests a good reflection, that is to go straight back in time to understand the birth act of creation. Student of Gunter Sommer, drummer Christian Lillinger has had...

From the Machine to the instruments: Branciforte & Kirschner

Solo qualche mese fa mi esprimevo a proposito degli algoritmi, immaginandoli come dei "fantasmi" evoluti in grado di risolvere problemi complessi, uno strumento per modificare decisioni e pregiudizi della composizione. Questi modelli rinchiusi nei...

Focus on Margaux Oswald

Free improvisation owes much to human philosophy. For example, if you take Escher’s poetics, you will find that the famous engraver was constantly projecting impregnable and uncertain situations, as many musicians have done; Escher...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato