Patrick Ozzard-Low: In opposition

Many make a mistake of evaluation when they reflect on the innovative value of Boulez and Barraqué's sonatas on the piano: the musical literature was complicit in that approach that pervaded the world of...

Helmut Lachenmann: Schreiben/Double (Grido II)

Lately someone have complained of Helmut Lachenmann's inactivity, interpreting it as an exhaustion of ideas, a lack of will in dealing with the failure of the current contemporary music; the situation is also complicated...

Liza Lim: Extinction events and dawn chorus

Rather special rules apply for the recognition of the style of a composer like Liza Lim (1966). The Australian composer with Asian origins is part of that large group of composers who implicitly adhered...

Thomas Buckner/Joelle Leandre/Nicole Mitchell: Flowing stream

One of the principal purpose of Joelle Leandre is to test many of the theories in the field of sound and of the expressiveness of singing; in the ideal of improvisation, the French musician...

Reinhard Fuchs: Mania

A gifted class was undoubtedly that of Michael Jarrell at the University of Music in Vienna in the period 1995-2002, inspired by a composer particularly inclined toward interpretations, viewed as an autonomous, interactive model...

Ramanan/Jackson/Thompson: Zubeneschamali

"Zubeneschamali," a title inspired by the brightest stars in the firmament, it would be a special adventure of cosmic observation, certainly an exploration not in line with musical convention, where the real musical references...

Discovering Salim Javaid

Salim Javaid is a 30 year old Czech-Pakistani saxophonist who works and lives in Cologne. Javaid is the tangible demonstration of how today the training of musicians can be a path crossing the realities...

Clemens Gadenstätter: Semantical investigations

One of the most difficult things for philosophers, critics and music scholars is to create a unique theory on mature listening: the quantity and variability of the elements involved are remarkable and all those...

A new talent of free singing: Hanna Schörken

"...the voice is much more than a musical instrument. Through speech it connects us to the social world, and thence to traditions of poetry, drama, comedy, etc. It reveals much about the speaker, from...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato