About angles, modules and geometric shapes: a focus on Anna Webber
It could be objected that an angular art is not the result of the intuition of modern times, but that it was already installed in the minds of many very ancient men, as a...
Osvaldo Coluccino: Interni
The history of the flute played with extended techniques has generated a vast heritage of actions and materials on which the composers have spent their time to outline new functions for the flute itself...
Toshio Hosokawa: Gardens
Gardens is the second release that Kairos dedicates to Toshio Hosokawa's music, a monograph who especially highlights the compositions for ensembles by the Japanese composer. It is a matter of documenting a work parallel...
Ryan Carter: Chamber works
In music the average listener usually tries to find a rhythm in any composition but modern music changes his perceptions: the composer tends to elaborate rhythm, to segment it, to stratify it. Stravinsky began...
Alwynne Pritchard: it is not just a rockaby!
Everything suggests that the Kairos monograph dedicated to the English composer and performer Alwynne Pritchard (1968), is sufficiently representative of the author's style. Her musical DNA is made of many things: the fragmentation of...
Italian reviews/Inserto recensioni improv Italia, part 1
The antinomy between composition and improvisation is often a false one; much contemporary improvised music, even when eschewing any pre-existing formal strictures or explicit structures, shows a predisposition toward a sensibility deeply molded by...
Un simposio per il contrabbasso: le basi di una nuova era (parte seconda)
Alisei & Stefano Scodanibbio’s Poetics of the Double Bass
In a recent piece I suggested that the contemporary equivalent or near-equivalent of the old Common Practice of functional harmony just might be found in the...
Un simposio per il contrabbasso: le basi di una nuova era (parte prima)
Nell'area delle sfide e delle interposizioni di genere musicale, il contrabbasso può vantare una nuova storia: gli attuali orientamenti permettono di acclarare una certa effervescenza su quanto si produce nelle rinnovate visuali di compositori...
a conversation with cristiano bocci
It’s been said that music is really just applied mathematics. For Cristiano Bocci, an instrumentalist/composer/sound artist from Follonica, Italy, that statement is true in ways that go beyond the obvious. For in addition to...
The Nabatov String Trio & Z-Country Paradise
Within various streams of contemporary music the notion of genre seems to be something that exists in a state of suspension between persistence and nothingness--as an inheritance to be confounded or a perverse ideal...