Marlies Debacker’s first solo piano: focus on Shimmer and a conversation with her

In free improvisation there is already a conspicuous literature addressed to musicians who are heavily immersed in the interior of the piano. Recent examples of explorations managed by seeking a massive accommodation in the...

Antonio Bertoni: 1/2 h(our) drama

Joseph Beuys holds a special place in the history of those human "meteors" who did not have the right weight: in the sixties the equivalent in Europe of the spectacular and unconventional art-pop of...

On Christopher Trapani: ‘Horizontal Drift’ and a conversation

Really Coming Down, composition for electric guitar and live electronics from 2007, caused a rather important change in the artistic life of Christopher Trapani (1980), for several reasons. It is the first piece in...

François Carrier: the Japan suite CD and an interview

Su Percorsi Musicali non si può dire certo che siano mancate le segnalazioni della musica del sassofonista alto canadese François Carrier. Da quando sono entrato in contatto in lui (parecchi anni fa), ho recensito...

Airi Yoshioka & the Violin Alone

Much has changed in Western art music since the modern violin family was developed in Northern Italy in the early 16thcentury. Formal conventions have come and gone, tonality has evolved, broadened and dissolved, and...

Gesture – Event – Structure

di Daniel Barbiero   In questo sito, del contrabbassista Daniel Barbiero ho già avuto modo di parlare (1). Residente a Washington DC, Daniel è uno dei più attivi ed oculati musicisti di quella zona, sempre proteso...

Thomas Buckner/Joelle Leandre/Nicole Mitchell: Flowing stream

One of the principal purpose of Joelle Leandre is to test many of the theories in the field of sound and of the expressiveness of singing; in the ideal of improvisation, the French musician...

Signe Emmeluth: her first solo sax and a conversation

John Cage argued that art was not an expression of oneself, but an alteration of the personality that had the power to make the artist more open to relationships and more aware of the...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato