Stefano Pastor & Charlotte Hug: Paragone d’archi
"Paragone d'archi" is a collaboration aimed at the rebalancing of power relations between violin and viola, namely the meaning attributed by the musical history of their relations, an archetype or pamphlet from the past:...
Hannes Kerschbaumer: schraffur
Many people today complain that much of the music that is labeled as contemporary has always the same characteristics. Such a statement would need to be revised, especially considering the fact that we are...
Christopher Otto: Rag’sma
The twentieth century was undoubtedly the century of discoveries in microtonality as well as other areas in music. Since the times of Carrillo and Ives, a lot of water has passed under the bridge...
The Unstable Stasis of Acoustic Drone & The Pitch
Sebbene sia frequentemente associata a fonti sonore esclusivamente elettroniche, la drone music può essere suonata su strumenti acustici con risultati gratificanti. L'ensemble internazionale The Pitch mostra come la drone music acustica può essere composta...
Notes on Field Recording
(My recent work on Doubting All Things Aligned, a collaboration with Chris Lynn that combines field recordings with composed and improvised music, stimulated these thoughts on field recordings—the part of the collaboration I was...
Leo News: Goat’s Notes/Yang Jing with Christy Doran
Goat's Notes - Fuzzy Wonder
Nelle note di presentazione del loro sito internet questo gruppo russo sembra si sia formato sotto la spinta del pianista Grigory Sandomirsky e del contrabbassista Vladimir Kudryavtsev, a cui si...
Great perspectives for the electric guitar: Yaron Deutsch
Data la giovinezza del repertorio per chitarra elettrica nella musica classica, molti si sentono in dovere di fare già un primo punto della situazione: qualcuno ha raccolto tutti gli interventi in un libro, altri...
John Wolf Brennan/Tony Majdalani/Marco Jencarelli: Pilgrims
After all, John Wolf Brennan has accustomed us to meetings between East and West: those who remember his masterpieces recorded long ago have always perceived his proximity to some aspects of non-Western thought, so...