Giacinto Scelsi Revisited

Music cannot exist without sound, but sound can certainly exist without music. Therefore it would seem that sound is more important. We can start from here (Giacinto Scelsi). Kairos R. pubblica ufficialmente il set di...

Núria Andorrà: on the interdisciplinary nature of free improvisation

Many times the best music comes across through an observation of the creative idea, something that puts in communication the essence of an idea or a musical development early established in the mind of...

Franck Bedrossian: Twist, Edges, Epigram

Rightly Thomas Meyer in the internal notes raises the question of how alive the interest for music defined as "excess of sound" among the experts and he does it in the right place, that...

Creative Sources Records

Daniel Barbiero     Creative Sources Records, based in Portugal, was conceived in 1999 by violist/composer Ernesto Rodrigues as an outlet not only for his own work but for the kind of challenging, non-commercial music that appealed...

Zooom Trio: What’s for dessert

Zooom trio renews the feelings of the language of Davis's Bitches Brew, but changes two essential parameters: there is more space for freedom of the rhythm section and the climate of improvisation is immersed...

Martino Traversa: Hommage

There are many ways to go against the grain in the musical world. One of the most dangerous is composing in a style that no longer seems to belong to the fashions or compositional...

Ian Power: Maintenance Hums

Nella filosofia della musica ci si è imbattuti spesso nel problema della significatività: teorici come Koopman o Davies hanno riconosciuto che la musica possa fornire dei significati, anche nell'assenza della parola, dove un Kivy,...

Øyvind Brandtsegg: Persistent Disequilibrium

What is the virtuous path of a musician? The answer is obviously not univocal and admits several solutions, but certainly virtuosity must be interpreted, it cannot be seen only as the achievement of an...

Notes on the Music of Sound III: Time and Plastic Organization in Timbral Music

Daniel Barbiero Astratto: Il tempo è un elemento strutturale nelle opere timbriche. Esso svolge un ruolo sintattico grazie alla sua capacità di integrare e separare eventi sonori. Spazi negativi, silenzi,  sono elementi di tempo che...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato