Stefano Pastor & Charlotte Hug: Paragone d’archi

"Paragone d'archi" is a collaboration aimed at the rebalancing of power relations between violin and viola, namely the meaning attributed by the musical history of their relations, an archetype or pamphlet from the past:...

Anto Pett/Bart Van Rosmalen: Playwork

It's often essential to choose the right combinations of sounds in an improvisation. Today in this field of music we have a plethora of artists coming from a lot of different styles that very...

Mirela Ivičević: Scarlet Songs

When speaking of her fundamental approach to composing, Mirela Ivičević, a Croatian native currently based in Vienna, has described herself as focusing on using as basic materials “bits and pieces of reality abducted from...

Christopher Otto: Rag’sma

The twentieth century was undoubtedly the century of discoveries in microtonality as well as other areas in music. Since the times of Carrillo and Ives, a lot of water has passed under the bridge...

Stefan Weglowski: From 1 to 7

From 1 to 7 is a seven-part composition that combines two distant regions of music. In explaining the method of construction of this piece, I must say that Stefan Weglowski has synthetically combined an...

Sun Ra: Live in Ulm 1992

For the centenary of Sun Ra's birth, Leo Feigin releases one of the last concerts of the American pianist, a performance with the Arkestra, held in 1992 in Ulm, Germany. The concert is contained...

Félicie Bazelaire – Otos

The strange phenomenon of the creative illness is something we sometimes find among artists. What is meant here isn’t the often-noted connection between psychological instability and artistic activity, but rather the creative response of...

Nuove estetiche a Reykjavik: Guðmundur Steinn Gunnarsson

Quando facciamo riferimento al termine "liminale" spesso vogliamo indicare una situazione al confine, tra la realtà e la finzione, sperimentata sotto l'effetto indotto di un evento: liminale può essere quella fase che si vive...

Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values

Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values Daniel Barbiero 1 Much contemporary experimental music puts sound color, or timbre, to the foreground, generally through extended techniques or...

Friedrich Cerha: Nacht/Drei Orchesterstucke

The two orchestral compositions included in this long-awaited new CD of work by the composer Friedrich Cerha have a deep tie with the astrolabe and the oriental mystic. To give more detail, both Nacht...


Il Music Unlimited festival a Wels

Prende il via domani uno dei principali e storici festival europei di improvvisazione. A Wels, città austriaca situata nella zona bavarese del paese, per...