Thinking is perceiving: Kaja Draksler at Artacts

Rudolf Arnheim noted that sensory perception was as important as the certainties of rationality and was an anticipation of intellectual knowledge: in the area of the communicative functions of art, the German author recognized...

Marco Colonna and Giulia Cianca: Undici pianeti

The contemporary world often seems to be nothing short of a permanent atopia – a place in which one is perpetually out of place, a locus of transience in which one is forever a...

The Quatuor BRAC

Daniel Barbiero Il Quatuor BRAC è un quartetto internazionale improvvisazionale composto da violino, viola, violoncello e contrabbasso. Adottando un approccio non convenzionale di musica, nonché di strumenti, il gruppo crea un suono che può essere...

Ivo Perelman: Living Jelly/The gift/The clairvoyant

    Living Jelly  Perelman chooses to represent the stories of "Living Jelly" in a trio with Joe Morris on guitar and Gerald Cleaver on drums. This collection of poetic divagations of Lispector is very enigmatic...

After All, Saxophone is a Metal Instrument: Ulrich Krieger’s “Acoustic Electronics”

By most accounts, one of the most perplexing rock albums ever released was Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. Was it a taunting prank directed at Reed’s fans, the grudging fulfillment of a contractual obligation...

Thomas DeLio and the Aesthetics of Intermittence

Thomas Delio (b. 1951) è un compositore che lavora con un senso espansivo dei suoni e degli spazi interni ad essi. Una raccolta di opere selezionate, pubblicate dall'etichetta discografica Neuma, fornisce un compendio efficace...

Ivo Perelman and his new works

The atonality and the contemporary theories in general have taught us that their importance lies in the representation of reality focused on some physiological states of our lives; the subtle concept that implies a...

Discovering Salim Javaid

Salim Javaid is a 30 year old Czech-Pakistani saxophonist who works and lives in Cologne. Javaid is the tangible demonstration of how today the training of musicians can be a path crossing the realities...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato