Michael Pelzel: Gravity’s Rainbow

When we talk about the complexity of music, we often fear that it may express various kind of chaos or instability without being able to benefit from the sentiment portrayed by the music itself....

Martino Traversa: Hommage

There are many ways to go against the grain in the musical world. One of the most dangerous is composing in a style that no longer seems to belong to the fashions or compositional...

Russian jazz musicians: between free and contemporary jazz

Many critics of free improvisation/free jazz insist to give an appropriate value to the sounds that can evoke images or become simulations of an event or an object: this theory is based mainly on...

Signe Emmeluth: her first solo sax and a conversation

John Cage argued that art was not an expression of oneself, but an alteration of the personality that had the power to make the artist more open to relationships and more aware of the...

The Quatuor BRAC

Daniel Barbiero Il Quatuor BRAC è un quartetto internazionale improvvisazionale composto da violino, viola, violoncello e contrabbasso. Adottando un approccio non convenzionale di musica, nonché di strumenti, il gruppo crea un suono che può essere...

Anne-Liis Poll/Anto Pett/Vlady Bystrov: The enchanted 3

"The enchanted 3" shows the powerful exercises to control the directionality of improvisation, where the interaction among the musicians is an essential condition for their full expression. It is all based on research, through...

François Wong & Davide Barbarino: Genius Loci

In Roman religion, the genius loci is the guardian of a place – like the Greek daimon, a low-level divinity, here given the task of presiding over a given site. More figuratively, the genius...

Methods for exploring the sonic matter: in conversation with Lei Liang

The path of a composer is often guided by the desire to make new discoveries and to try to contribute to complex and seemingly borderless topics. On this point, an example comes from the...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato