V. Guyvoronsky with N. Ahsan & D. Kucherov: Around Silence

Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky is considered as the best and most representative jazz trumpeter in Russia: Vyacheslav already has a large group of works done with an eclecticism of substance: no doubt, the best feature of...

Øyvind Brandtsegg: Persistent Disequilibrium

What is the virtuous path of a musician? The answer is obviously not univocal and admits several solutions, but certainly virtuosity must be interpreted, it cannot be seen only as the achievement of an...

Gonçalo Almeida – States of Restraints & Gut Liver

Gonçalo Almeida - States of Restraints (Clean Feed, 2024) Misanthrope Trio - Gut Liver (Cylinder, 2024) Two completely different sides of prolific Portuguese, Rotterdam-based bassist-composer-improviser Gonçalo Almeida. Almeda's creative musical output is spread over countless bands...

Núria Andorrà: on the interdisciplinary nature of free improvisation

Many times the best music comes across through an observation of the creative idea, something that puts in communication the essence of an idea or a musical development early established in the mind of...

Ryan Carter: Chamber works

In music the average listener usually tries to find a rhythm in any composition but modern music changes his perceptions: the composer tends to elaborate rhythm, to segment it, to stratify it. Stravinsky began...

Ramanan/Jackson/Thompson: Zubeneschamali

"Zubeneschamali," a title inspired by the brightest stars in the firmament, it would be a special adventure of cosmic observation, certainly an exploration not in line with musical convention, where the real musical references...

Patrick Ozzard-Low: In opposition

Many make a mistake of evaluation when they reflect on the innovative value of Boulez and Barraqué's sonatas on the piano: the musical literature was complicit in that approach that pervaded the world of...

Ming Tsao: Die Geisterinsel

"Die Geisterinsel" is based on one of the last works of Shakespeare and tells the story of Prospero, exiled to a Mediterranean island, which uses all his powers to make fall in love his...

Sun Ra: Live in Ulm 1992

For the centenary of Sun Ra's birth, Leo Feigin releases one of the last concerts of the American pianist, a performance with the Arkestra, held in 1992 in Ulm, Germany. The concert is contained...

Anto Pett/Bart Van Rosmalen: Playwork

It's often essential to choose the right combinations of sounds in an improvisation. Today in this field of music we have a plethora of artists coming from a lot of different styles that very...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato