Kaufmann, Gratkowski & de Joode: Canberra

The trio of pianist Achim Kaufmann, clarinetist/saxophonist Frank Gratkowski, and double bassist Wilbert de Joode has been together for over twenty years now. First formed in Amsterdam in 2002, the group has toured extensively...

Callas and other personalities in the new works of Ivo Perelman

Ivo Perelman's new works suggest an explicit reference to some fundamental musical figures of the past: the sources of inspiration of the saxophone player are Maria Callas (a novelty for his style), the great...

Italian reviews/Inserto recensioni improv Italia, part 1

The antinomy between composition and improvisation is often a false one; much contemporary improvised music, even when eschewing any pre-existing formal strictures or explicit structures, shows a predisposition toward a sensibility deeply molded by...

Enrico Fazio Critical Mass: Shibui

Also in this recording Fazio provides a value musical product, which has a strong point in the freshness of the musical solutions and in the emotional transport of the musicians of the band. In "Shibui"...

A focus on current times: Sergej Maingardt

I think that the Cologne Hochschule für Musik und Tanz began to regain a leading role of academic electronics with the arrival of Michael Beil in 2007. Beil's teachings were oriented towards an interdisciplinarity...

Biagio Coppa/Intrepid Trio: Cursed Location

The Intrepid Trio is a project of Milanese soprano and tenor saxophonist Biagio Coppa. Coppa’s roots are in the creative improvised music that evolved out of more mainstream jazz during and after the 1960s;...

Øyvind Brandtsegg: Persistent Disequilibrium

What is the virtuous path of a musician? The answer is obviously not univocal and admits several solutions, but certainly virtuosity must be interpreted, it cannot be seen only as the achievement of an...

Fifty Years After the Way: James Tenney’s Meta+Hodos

Composer James Tenney’s Meta+Hodos was an early formulation of what he described as a “conceptual framework for musical description and analysis.” Tellingly, Tenney chose as his title an etymological breakdown of the word “method,”...

Jessica Pavone: Synthesis and action

Sometimes art moves through historical syntheses. The musician's experiences can travel together as a refraction of principles, of previous knowledge, able to connect to his sensitivity and, as Kant said, show the signs of...

Music as Sound as Music: On Making Nostos

Nostos, a collaboration between bassist/electronics artist Cristiano Bocci (Follonica GR) and myself, represents a melding of the organic, acoustic sounds of the double bass with after-the-fact timbres and supplementary compositional structures afforded by the...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato