Frank Gratkowski sextet: Skein

Skein's theme represents, through music, the chemical process that accompanies the movement of molecules, starting from the awareness of having to dig into a skein looking for reactions; the group accomplishes a detailed fragmentation...

Thieke and Fagaschinski: The International Nothing

What has the twenty-first century taught us so far? I have repeatedly spoken of a century of idiocy but, if we go into the details, we could also say that the strangeness that is...

On Alberto Posadas’ poetics

Today, the need to find a poetics for our life does not seem to be part of our primary needs. It is something that has been increasingly overlooked after humanity has accelerated its ambitions...

Afro Garage: Eighteen Ways to Miss Egypt

“Eighteen Ways to Miss Egypt" highlights the center of gravity of improvisation. It deals with a varied, oblique and ironic, ethnic and insightful situation, with a good degree of oddness—a different way of organizing...

Zooom Trio: What’s for dessert

Zooom trio renews the feelings of the language of Davis's Bitches Brew, but changes two essential parameters: there is more space for freedom of the rhythm section and the climate of improvisation is immersed...

New exciting musical relationships of the duo Perelman-Shipp

-A violent dose of anything -  Perelman/Shipp/Maneri Brasilia, the current capital of Brazil, is a place that has experienced unprecedented growth over the past three decades, thanks to a government project that wanted to build...

Øyvind Brandtsegg: Persistent Disequilibrium

What is the virtuous path of a musician? The answer is obviously not univocal and admits several solutions, but certainly virtuosity must be interpreted, it cannot be seen only as the achievement of an...

Ramanan/Jackson/Thompson: Zubeneschamali

"Zubeneschamali," a title inspired by the brightest stars in the firmament, it would be a special adventure of cosmic observation, certainly an exploration not in line with musical convention, where the real musical references...

Henrik Munkeby Nørstebø and His Dystopian Dancing

A relevant aesthetic problem of modern music is that of the modification of timbre, and authoritative interventions have questioned its value with never decisive arguments. Jean-Jacques Nattiez, for example, was skeptical about creating works...

Another three recordings for Perelman

"The art of duet volume one" is the first of a three-volume series of duets between Ivo Perelman and Matthew Shipp: it reminds us some essential aspects of the combination of sax-piano in jazz,...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato