Sjöström, Floridis, Rodrigues, Casserley: Fields

Back in 2018, Finnish soprano and sopranino saxophonist Harri Sjöström recorded a series of improvisations with Lisbon’s Guilherme Rodrigues on cello. The music, released on the album The Treasures Are, was subtle and exhilarating...

Russian jazz musicians: between free and contemporary jazz

Many critics of free improvisation/free jazz insist to give an appropriate value to the sounds that can evoke images or become simulations of an event or an object: this theory is based mainly on...

Biagio Coppa/Intrepid Trio: Cursed Location

The Intrepid Trio is a project of Milanese soprano and tenor saxophonist Biagio Coppa. Coppa’s roots are in the creative improvised music that evolved out of more mainstream jazz during and after the 1960s;...

Un simposio per il contrabbasso: le basi di una nuova era (parte seconda)

  Alisei & Stefano Scodanibbio’s Poetics of the Double Bass 1 In a recent piece I suggested that the contemporary equivalent or near-equivalent of the old Common Practice of functional harmony just might be found in the...

field anatomies: Laura Cocks

The evolved musician builds a demanding path to reach certain quality standards. Today it is no longer enough to learn to play an instrument with an excellent visual and perspective capacity for the scores,...

Renewing Modernism: The Music of Ross Feller

Through its innovations in technique, technology and formal structures, the Western art music of the second half of the last century continues to exert influence on and offer possibilities to contemporary composers and performers....

Music as Sound as Music: On Making Nostos

Nostos, a collaboration between bassist/electronics artist Cristiano Bocci (Follonica GR) and myself, represents a melding of the organic, acoustic sounds of the double bass with after-the-fact timbres and supplementary compositional structures afforded by the...

Vinko Globokar: Les soliloques décortiqués

Back in the mid-1960s, French-Slovenian composer and trombonist Vinko Globokar was one of a very few instrumentalists with the skills, imagination and commitment needed to realize the technically groundbreaking works then being composed for...

Un simposio per il contrabbasso: le basi di una nuova era (parte prima)

Introduzione Nell'area delle sfide e delle interposizioni di genere musicale, il contrabbasso può vantare una nuova storia: gli attuali orientamenti permettono di acclarare una certa effervescenza su quanto si produce nelle rinnovate visuali di compositori...

Ian Power: Maintenance Hums

Nella filosofia della musica ci si è imbattuti spesso nel problema della significatività: teorici come Koopman o Davies hanno riconosciuto che la musica possa fornire dei significati, anche nell'assenza della parola, dove un Kivy,...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato