The Unstable Stasis of Acoustic Drone & The Pitch

Sebbene sia frequentemente associata a fonti sonore esclusivamente elettroniche, la drone music può essere suonata su strumenti acustici con risultati gratificanti. L'ensemble internazionale The Pitch mostra come la drone music acustica può essere composta...

Anto Pett/Bart Van Rosmalen: Playwork

It's often essential to choose the right combinations of sounds in an improvisation. Today in this field of music we have a plethora of artists coming from a lot of different styles that very...

Yan Jun x 2: with Kai Fagaschinski and with Eric Wong

Two duos of Chinese, Beijing-based prolific, experimental vocal artist-poet-sound artist Yan Jun (颜峻) with like-minded comrades from the free music scene of Berlin. Yan Jun is an exceptional and subversive artist whose performances focus...

Marino Formenti: Liszt inspections

Liszt distilled musical rhetoric at the end of his career, attenuated harmonic connections, reduced sonorities, gambled with abrupt juxtaposition and silence, cultivated simplicity, and highlighted the fragmentary. Late Liszt has forced us to rethink...

Facebook Cantos e le pluralità musicali di Peter Alexander Thoegersen

Nelle abitudini imprescindibili del ventunesimo secolo c'è quella di frequentare ed incontrarsi virtualmente sui social networks. Molti sociologi e uomini di cultura hanno evidenziato le parecchie distorsioni di queste frequentazioni, dove circolano notizie false,...

On Making The Rationale for a Space Telescope

The Rationale for a Space Telescope, the latest release from If, Bwana, includes four tracks featuring my electronically processed contrabass.  If, Bwana is Al Margolis’s electroacoustic music project, which has been active since 1984. Starting...

On Tanja Feichtmair

Any improvised structure has to deal with phrasing. It is an essential theme of the way of playing that can be solved in many ways: with an instrument you can be angular, elastic, liminal...

Authenticity, scenarios and movement: a dialogue with Harri Sjöström

Keepers of so-called "good taste" should always improve their interpretations when evaluating a painting and should abandon their prejudices. Let us take, for example, Nude Descending a Staircase no.2, the great painting by Marcel...

Tanja Feichtmair / Fredi Proll / Uli Winter: Trio Now!

"Trio Now!" is based on a strong charge of enthusiasm, with the conscious (but not identical) pride of the "now" of Max Roach's times (We insist!); we are on the border between free, abstract...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato