Hannes Kerschbaumer: schraffur

Many people today complain that much of the music that is labeled as contemporary has always the same characteristics. Such a statement would need to be revised, especially considering the fact that we are...

Bernhard Lang: ParZeFool

"...The words and actions of men give rise to bare, material repetitions, but as effect of more profound repetitions of a different kind ("effects" in casual, optical and vestiary sense). Repetition is pathos and...

Beyond the Machine with Gonçalo Gato

The focus of much of the music of Lisbon-born, London-based composer Gonçalo Gato (b. 1979) is on the incorporation of computer algorithms into the compositional process. To judge from the work included in NowState,...

Patrick Ozzard-Low: In opposition

Many make a mistake of evaluation when they reflect on the innovative value of Boulez and Barraqué's sonatas on the piano: the musical literature was complicit in that approach that pervaded the world of...

Vinko Globokar: Les soliloques décortiqués

Back in the mid-1960s, French-Slovenian composer and trombonist Vinko Globokar was one of a very few instrumentalists with the skills, imagination and commitment needed to realize the technically groundbreaking works then being composed for...

Miguel Farìas: Up and down

The growing awareness of being able to offer further points of reference in contemporary music is one of the most appreciated resources exhibited by current Chilean composition. In a nation for a long time...

Liza Lim: Extinction events and dawn chorus

Rather special rules apply for the recognition of the style of a composer like Liza Lim (1966). The Australian composer with Asian origins is part of that large group of composers who implicitly adhered...

Franck Bedrossian: Twist, Edges, Epigram

Rightly Thomas Meyer in the internal notes raises the question of how alive the interest for music defined as "excess of sound" among the experts and he does it in the right place, that...

Evan Johnson: Forms of complaint

There is an area of music research that has focused its interest on the physicality of the performance. It can be obtained in many ways, increasing the difficulties of the score, applying a kind...

With Dmitri Kourliandski and his string quartets

FANCYMUSIC, a Russian label specializing in contemporary classical music and jazz, has just released String Quartet Series, a CD that collects the three string quartets by composer Dmitri Kourliandski (1976) performed by the Vacuum...


Venezia – Biennale Musica 2024

Per il consueto appuntamento con la Biennale Musica 2024 il tema scelto è quello della 'musica assoluta', intesa come musica scritta o programmata senza...

Now Music Festival 2024