Miroslav Beinhauer – Adrián Demoč: Piano

Thanks to the elsewhere label I got to know the most beautiful and moving music of Slovak contemporary composer-educator Adrián Demoč as interpreted brilliantly by Czech pianist Miroslav Beinhauer. The elsewhere label focuses on...

Foussat/Lazro -Trente-Cinq Minutes & Vingt-Trois Seconds +Agnel/Kristoff K. Roll/Lazro -Quartet un peu Tendre-

French sax master Daunik Lazro was born in 1945 and throughout his rich and diverse career has become one of the greatest European free improvisers who always challenges himself, even when he plays with...

Yan Jun x 2: with Kai Fagaschinski and with Eric Wong

Two duos of Chinese, Beijing-based prolific, experimental vocal artist-poet-sound artist Yan Jun (颜峻) with like-minded comrades from the free music scene of Berlin. Yan Jun is an exceptional and subversive artist whose performances focus...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato