Airi Yoshioka & the Violin Alone

Much has changed in Western art music since the modern violin family was developed in Northern Italy in the early 16thcentury. Formal conventions have come and gone, tonality has evolved, broadened and dissolved, and...

Callas and other personalities in the new works of Ivo Perelman

Ivo Perelman's new works suggest an explicit reference to some fundamental musical figures of the past: the sources of inspiration of the saxophone player are Maria Callas (a novelty for his style), the great...

The Unstable Stasis of Acoustic Drone & The Pitch

Sebbene sia frequentemente associata a fonti sonore esclusivamente elettroniche, la drone music può essere suonata su strumenti acustici con risultati gratificanti. L'ensemble internazionale The Pitch mostra come la drone music acustica può essere composta...

Else Marie Pade

Even before she began composing musique concrète and electronic music in the early 1950s, Else Marie Pade lived what can only be called an eventful life. Born in Ain Aarhus, Denmark in 1924, Pade as...

Open String Minimalism or, What Is the Sound of One String Vibrating?

  Il contrabbasso è stato in prima linea nello sviluppo delle risorse timbriche della musica d'arte contemporanea, messe a disposizione dei compositori ed esecutori in egual modo. Paradossalmente l'espansione dei mezzi per l'esplorazione timbrica del...

Grace Note: Fuentes, Haring, Brus

Combining music with the other arts has been attempted frequently, but a true and complex qualitative leap was effected only with the advent of interdisciplinary modernism; little by little, the representations that originally involved...

Bernd Richard Deutsch: Dr. Futurity

The new thing of Austrian contemporary music has discreetly raised some new elements not completely contained within the field of music; the interference initially directed towards the branches of ancient philosophy and literature (especially...

Tod Dockstader (1932-2015)

The work of American sound artist Tod Dockstader (1932-27 Feb 2015) ran parallel to the technological changes that took electronic music from tape manipulation to the synthesizer. Dockstader started out in the visual arts, working...


RIP Sofia Gubaidulina

Con un corposo comunicato la Boosey & Hawkes ci avverte della scomparsa della compositrice Sofia Gubaidulina (leggilo qui). La notizia fa molto dispiacere. La...

artacts festival 2025