Evgeny Masloboev/Anastasia Masloboeva:Russian folksongs in the key of New Jazz/Your beautiful face makes me...
Irkutsk is a large city in southern Siberia, the cultural center of excellence for the region and the midpoint of the Trans-Siberian railway line, although in recent times it has come to the fore...
Roland Dahinden & Hildegard Kleeb: Recall Pollock
One of the main qualities that I love in music is that of coherence: many artists over time have made a bad use of it, especially when they saw increase their success with the...
Ivo Perelman: Living Jelly/The gift/The clairvoyant
Living Jelly
Perelman chooses to represent the stories of "Living Jelly" in a trio with Joe Morris on guitar and Gerald Cleaver on drums. This collection of poetic divagations of Lispector is very enigmatic...
Anto Pett/Bart Van Rosmalen: Playwork
It's often essential to choose the right combinations of sounds in an improvisation. Today in this field of music we have a plethora of artists coming from a lot of different styles that very...