Dialogue, Space and Multiplicity in British Improv. Confront Recordings at 25. Interview with Mark...

Mark Wastell is a key figure of Britain’s improv and avant-music scene. What is absolutely fascinating about Wastell is his musical plurilingualism, his capacity of speaking, understanding and recording a plurality of experimental languages....

Pay attention to Sofia Borges

In the artistic path of a musician there is a moment when it is possible to merge the discoveries made on the instrument (the so-called exploratory or experimental phase) with the improvisational approaches. The...

Timothy McCormack’s Geological Soundscapes

Pull up an image of a karst and you’re likely to see a distressed, often vertiginous landscape of water-carved rock faces pitted with crevices and caves. Under the surface may be running water, but...

Helmut Lachenmann: Schreiben/Double (Grido II)

Lately someone have complained of Helmut Lachenmann's inactivity, interpreting it as an exhaustion of ideas, a lack of will in dealing with the failure of the current contemporary music; the situation is also complicated...

Open String Minimalism or, What Is the Sound of One String Vibrating?

  Il contrabbasso è stato in prima linea nello sviluppo delle risorse timbriche della musica d'arte contemporanea, messe a disposizione dei compositori ed esecutori in egual modo. Paradossalmente l'espansione dei mezzi per l'esplorazione timbrica del...

Michael Pelzel: Gravity’s Rainbow

When we talk about the complexity of music, we often fear that it may express various kind of chaos or instability without being able to benefit from the sentiment portrayed by the music itself....

Giacinto Scelsi Revisited

Music cannot exist without sound, but sound can certainly exist without music. Therefore it would seem that sound is more important. We can start from here (Giacinto Scelsi). Kairos R. pubblica ufficialmente il set di...

Italian reviews/Inserto recensioni improv Italia, part 1

The antinomy between composition and improvisation is often a false one; much contemporary improvised music, even when eschewing any pre-existing formal strictures or explicit structures, shows a predisposition toward a sensibility deeply molded by...

Edges, free forms, waves and whales: Setola’s new CDs

My thoughts about some new releases from Setola di Maiale.   Francesco Fornarelli / Andrea Massaria / Marcello Magliocchi   -Urban Edges- The music on Urban Edges, an album recorded in Bari by the trio of Francesco Fornarelli...


Venezia – Biennale Musica 2024

Per il consueto appuntamento con la Biennale Musica 2024 il tema scelto è quello della 'musica assoluta', intesa come musica scritta o programmata senza...

Now Music Festival 2024