Contemporary flute and piano: a range of action and 10 pieces to survive

Bruno Mantovani stated that writing a score for an orchestral instrument in combination with a piano was one of the most difficult things to manage; it was a difficulty that arose in the sclerotization...

Authenticity, scenarios and movement: a dialogue with Harri Sjöström

Keepers of so-called "good taste" should always improve their interpretations when evaluating a painting and should abandon their prejudices. Let us take, for example, Nude Descending a Staircase no.2, the great painting by Marcel...

Grace Note: Fuentes, Haring, Brus

Combining music with the other arts has been attempted frequently, but a true and complex qualitative leap was effected only with the advent of interdisciplinary modernism; little by little, the representations that originally involved...

Mimmo, Mevel, Waziniak: Constellative Trio

The Constellative Trio is the improvising trio of French musicians Gaël Mevel and Thierry Waziniak, along with the Italian soprano saxophonist Gianni Mimmo. Although this self-titled album is their debut release as the Constellative...

Marlies Debacker’s first solo piano: focus on Shimmer and a conversation with her

In free improvisation there is already a conspicuous literature addressed to musicians who are heavily immersed in the interior of the piano. Recent examples of explorations managed by seeking a massive accommodation in the...

V. Guyvoronsky with N. Ahsan & D. Kucherov: Around Silence

Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky is considered as the best and most representative jazz trumpeter in Russia: Vyacheslav already has a large group of works done with an eclecticism of substance: no doubt, the best feature of...

Enrico Fazio Critical Mass: Shibui

Also in this recording Fazio provides a value musical product, which has a strong point in the freshness of the musical solutions and in the emotional transport of the musicians of the band. In "Shibui"...

Ryan Carter: Chamber works

In music the average listener usually tries to find a rhythm in any composition but modern music changes his perceptions: the composer tends to elaborate rhythm, to segment it, to stratify it. Stravinsky began...

Afro Garage: Eighteen Ways to Miss Egypt

“Eighteen Ways to Miss Egypt" highlights the center of gravity of improvisation. It deals with a varied, oblique and ironic, ethnic and insightful situation, with a good degree of oddness—a different way of organizing...


Venezia – Biennale Musica 2024

Per il consueto appuntamento con la Biennale Musica 2024 il tema scelto è quello della 'musica assoluta', intesa come musica scritta o programmata senza...

Now Music Festival 2024