Stefan Weglowski: From 1 to 7

From 1 to 7 is a seven-part composition that combines two distant regions of music. In explaining the method of construction of this piece, I must say that Stefan Weglowski has synthetically combined an...

Studies on Colour Field Modulation: Ulrich Mitzlaff & Carlos Santos

L'arte astratta costringe il fruitore di essa a fare uno sforzo di cognizione. Si tratta spesso di andare a vedere cosa c'è dietro un ipotetico muro di incomprensione che caratterizza l'opera e solo un'apertura...

Ming Tsao: Die Geisterinsel

"Die Geisterinsel" is based on one of the last works of Shakespeare and tells the story of Prospero, exiled to a Mediterranean island, which uses all his powers to make fall in love his...

Grace Note: Fuentes, Haring, Brus

Combining music with the other arts has been attempted frequently, but a true and complex qualitative leap was effected only with the advent of interdisciplinary modernism; little by little, the representations that originally involved...

Bernd Richard Deutsch: Dr. Futurity

The new thing of Austrian contemporary music has discreetly raised some new elements not completely contained within the field of music; the interference initially directed towards the branches of ancient philosophy and literature (especially...

Impermances, reworkings and voices’ pandemonium

Some thoughts on three new CD of free improv: -Ana Kravanja & Elisabeth Harnik: Vrtinci Minljivosti (Vortices of Impermanence), Creative Sources -Cory Smythe: Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Pyroclastic Records -VocColours: 66, Tonkunkst Manufaktur ___________________________________________________________ Since last year, Slovenian...

Marino Formenti: Liszt inspections

Liszt distilled musical rhetoric at the end of his career, attenuated harmonic connections, reduced sonorities, gambled with abrupt juxtaposition and silence, cultivated simplicity, and highlighted the fragmentary. Late Liszt has forced us to rethink...

Perelman’s 30th anniversary: Amalgam with Shipp and an interview

In musica si cerca sempre di dare spiegazioni al ruolo che i musicisti svolgono nei processi esecutivi. Chi sono? Medium espressivi? Portatori di messaggi? E' qualcosa che ha a che fare molto con quanto...

Friedrich Cerha: Nacht/Drei Orchesterstucke

The two orchestral compositions included in this long-awaited new CD of work by the composer Friedrich Cerha have a deep tie with the astrolabe and the oriental mystic. To give more detail, both Nacht...

Martino Traversa: Hommage

There are many ways to go against the grain in the musical world. One of the most dangerous is composing in a style that no longer seems to belong to the fashions or compositional...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato