Christopher Shultis & the Experimental Music Tradition

The 1920s and 1930s were a fertile time for experimental music in America. Composers such as Henry Cowell, George Antheil, William Russell—and very soon after, John Cage—explored...

Elisabeth Coudoux: the cello, the Emiszatett’s project and an interview

In the improvisational act the relationships between the musicians are fundamental and the action is supreme. A part of philosophy and pedagogy's world have increased emphasis on the importance of the experiential factor tenfold...

Matthias Schubert/Simon Nabatov: Descriptions

If the goal of music is to provide an image or represent a feeling, nothing better than to try to make explicit these aspects through descriptive methods. In this way they will be able...

The Quatuor BRAC

Daniel Barbiero Il Quatuor BRAC è un quartetto internazionale improvvisazionale composto da violino, viola, violoncello e contrabbasso. Adottando un approccio non convenzionale di musica, nonché di strumenti, il gruppo crea un suono che può essere...

Stefan Weglowski: From 1 to 7

From 1 to 7 is a seven-part composition that combines two distant regions of music. In explaining the method of construction of this piece, I must say that Stefan Weglowski has synthetically combined an...

Frank Gratkowski sextet: Skein

Skein's theme represents, through music, the chemical process that accompanies the movement of molecules, starting from the awareness of having to dig into a skein looking for reactions; the group accomplishes a detailed fragmentation...

Gesture – Event – Structure

di Daniel Barbiero   In questo sito, del contrabbassista Daniel Barbiero ho già avuto modo di parlare (1). Residente a Washington DC, Daniel è uno dei più attivi ed oculati musicisti di quella zona, sempre proteso...

Kudryavtsev/Vincent/Logofet: Free Trees

In a thriving alveolus of free techniques and with frequent use of gadgets and objects on the cello, the art of 'Free Trees' follows characteristic moments with a sort of apologetic thought; it is...

Marlies Debacker & Salim(a) Javaid: Convolution

Pianist Marlies Debacker and saxophonist Salim(a) Javaid, both based in Cologne, have been long-time collaborators since meeting as students at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, where they both now teach. Debacker, originally...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato