Facebook Cantos e le pluralità musicali di Peter Alexander Thoegersen

Nelle abitudini imprescindibili del ventunesimo secolo c'è quella di frequentare ed incontrarsi virtualmente sui social networks. Molti sociologi e uomini di cultura hanno evidenziato le parecchie distorsioni di queste frequentazioni, dove circolano notizie false,...

Pierluigi Billone: Sgorgo Y . N . oO

A good analysis of the new cycle of Pierluigi Billone's compositions for electric guitar and effects, can be well comprehended by the words of guitarist Yaron Deutsch. In the inner booklet of the CD,...

Sonic balancing act: Camille Émaille

I don’t go to conservatories very often but there is a teaching that should be the basis of any training activity for musicians: after having found and activated their sound sources, musicians must feel...

a conversation with cristiano bocci

  It’s been said that music is really just applied mathematics. For Cristiano Bocci, an instrumentalist/composer/sound artist from Follonica, Italy, that statement is true in ways that go beyond the obvious. For in addition to...

Ensemble 5: The summary of 4

Without being considered a mad visionary, I could show you how the music of Ensemble 5 has a subliminal discursive character: you have to think of the musical instruments as creative objects observed as...

Seth Parker Woods: Music as Choreography

Playing an instrument is, among other things, an action. At a fundamental level, a performance involves a sequence of purposive gestures—a set of intentions embodied in certain movements of the body directed toward the...

Creative Sources Records

Daniel Barbiero     Creative Sources Records, based in Portugal, was conceived in 1999 by violist/composer Ernesto Rodrigues as an outlet not only for his own work but for the kind of challenging, non-commercial music that appealed...

Sonic Circuits 2014: A Festival of Experimental Music

Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center, Silver Spring, Maryland USA 3-5 October 2014 http://dc-soniccircuits.org by Daniel Barbiero For fifteen years or so, the Sonic Circuits Festival of Experimental Music has brought challenging sound and multimedia performances to the Washington DC...

Louis-Michel Marion

  When handled as a generator of sound, as French bassist Louis-Michel Marion does, the double bass reveals itself to be the versatile container of sonic multitudes that it is. That this is so is...

Notes on Field Recording

(My recent work on Doubting All Things Aligned, a collaboration with Chris Lynn that combines field recordings with composed and improvised music, stimulated these thoughts on field recordings—the part of the collaboration I was...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato