Sonic balancing act: Camille Émaille

I don’t go to conservatories very often but there is a teaching that should be the basis of any training activity for musicians: after having found and activated their sound sources, musicians must feel...

Antonio Bertoni: 1/2 h(our) drama

Joseph Beuys holds a special place in the history of those human "meteors" who did not have the right weight: in the sixties the equivalent in Europe of the spectacular and unconventional art-pop of...

Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values

Notes on the Music of Sound II: Timbral Music and Plastic Values Daniel Barbiero 1 Much contemporary experimental music puts sound color, or timbre, to the foreground, generally through extended techniques or...

After All, Saxophone is a Metal Instrument: Ulrich Krieger’s “Acoustic Electronics”

By most accounts, one of the most perplexing rock albums ever released was Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music. Was it a taunting prank directed at Reed’s fans, the grudging fulfillment of a contractual obligation...

Notes on the Music of Sound III: Time and Plastic Organization in Timbral Music

Daniel Barbiero Astratto: Il tempo è un elemento strutturale nelle opere timbriche. Esso svolge un ruolo sintattico grazie alla sua capacità di integrare e separare eventi sonori. Spazi negativi, silenzi,  sono elementi di tempo che...

Gato Barbieri (1932-2016)

Although probably best known for his soundtrack to the 1972 Bernardo Bertolucci film Last Tango in Paris, tenor saxophonist Leandro “Gato” Barbieri, who died on April 2, was an innovator in fusing elements of...

Authenticity, scenarios and movement: a dialogue with Harri Sjöström

Keepers of so-called "good taste" should always improve their interpretations when evaluating a painting and should abandon their prejudices. Let us take, for example, Nude Descending a Staircase no.2, the great painting by Marcel...

Foussat/Lazro -Trente-Cinq Minutes & Vingt-Trois Seconds +Agnel/Kristoff K. Roll/Lazro -Quartet un peu Tendre-

French sax master Daunik Lazro was born in 1945 and throughout his rich and diverse career has become one of the greatest European free improvisers who always challenges himself, even when he plays with...

Leo News: Goat’s Notes/Yang Jing with Christy Doran

Goat's Notes - Fuzzy Wonder Nelle note di presentazione del loro sito internet questo gruppo russo sembra si sia formato sotto la spinta del pianista Grigory Sandomirsky e del contrabbassista Vladimir Kudryavtsev, a cui si...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato