Mirela Ivičević: Scarlet Songs

When speaking of her fundamental approach to composing, Mirela Ivičević, a Croatian native currently based in Vienna, has described herself as focusing on using as basic materials “bits and pieces of reality abducted from...

Biagio Coppa/Intrepid Trio: Cursed Location

The Intrepid Trio is a project of Milanese soprano and tenor saxophonist Biagio Coppa. Coppa’s roots are in the creative improvised music that evolved out of more mainstream jazz during and after the 1960s;...

The 2015 Sonic Circuits Festival of Experimental Music, 18-20 September 2015

The 2015 Sonic Circuits Festival of Experimental Music, the DC area’s fourteenth annual weekend-long program of experimental music and multimedia works, was held at the Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Silver Spring, MD, the...

Gato Barbieri (1932-2016)

Although probably best known for his soundtrack to the 1972 Bernardo Bertolucci film Last Tango in Paris, tenor saxophonist Leandro “Gato” Barbieri, who died on April 2, was an innovator in fusing elements of...

The Nabatov String Trio & Z-Country Paradise

Within various streams of contemporary music the notion of genre seems to be something that exists in a state of suspension between persistence and nothingness--as an inheritance to be confounded or a perverse ideal...

Great perspectives for the electric guitar: Yaron Deutsch

Data la giovinezza del repertorio per chitarra elettrica nella musica classica, molti si sentono in dovere di fare già un primo punto della situazione: qualcuno ha raccolto tutti gli interventi in un libro, altri...

Leo News: Goat’s Notes/Yang Jing with Christy Doran

Goat's Notes - Fuzzy Wonder Nelle note di presentazione del loro sito internet questo gruppo russo sembra si sia formato sotto la spinta del pianista Grigory Sandomirsky e del contrabbassista Vladimir Kudryavtsev, a cui si...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato