Lukas Ligeti/Thollem McDonas: Imaginary images

In "Imaginary images" we have two musicians who put aside the research, the frills of the composition or the musical traditions, and confront one another solely on the obvious reality of their instruments. Of course...

Contemporary flute and piano: a range of action and 10 pieces to survive

Bruno Mantovani stated that writing a score for an orchestral instrument in combination with a piano was one of the most difficult things to manage; it was a difficulty that arose in the sclerotization...

Irving Fine’s Twelve-tone Neoclassicism

Mid-20thcentury art music in America was largely dominated by twelve-tone composition. Other types of music were being composed, neoclassicism among them, but in the postwar years it was serial and other forms of composition...

Núria Andorrà: on the interdisciplinary nature of free improvisation

Many times the best music comes across through an observation of the creative idea, something that puts in communication the essence of an idea or a musical development early established in the mind of...

Franck Bedrossian: Twist, Edges, Epigram

Rightly Thomas Meyer in the internal notes raises the question of how alive the interest for music defined as "excess of sound" among the experts and he does it in the right place, that...

Robert Erickson’s Orchestral Colors: Auroras & Other Works

I lavori orchestrali di Robert Erickson sono importanti per il modo con cui incarnano molti dei principi della composizione timbrica elaborati nel suo libro "Sound Structure in Music". I quattro pezzi orchestrali raccolti sul...

New harmonies from spectralism: Rozalie Hirs

Today it is legitimate to ask where the new developments of contemporary music lie and in particular what happens to its most recent subdivisions. For example, the qualities of spectralism have long been invoked,...

Ramanan/Jackson/Thompson: Zubeneschamali

"Zubeneschamali," a title inspired by the brightest stars in the firmament, it would be a special adventure of cosmic observation, certainly an exploration not in line with musical convention, where the real musical references...


Lo Spontaneous Music Festival a Poznań

Nelle tante ricerche che ho svolto per conoscere meglio le realtà musicali nelle varie nazioni europee, devo riconoscere che per la Polonia ho avuto...

Contemporanea Monferrato