Thieke and Fagaschinski: The International Nothing
What has the twenty-first century taught us so far? I have repeatedly spoken of a century of idiocy but, if we go into the details, we could also say that the strangeness that is...
Sérgio Carolino: Below 0
Those who have followed the artistic path of Sérgio Carolino know very well his eclecticism. The Portuguese artist is one of the modern interpreters of the tuba, one of the most appreciated in the...
Discovering Salim Javaid
Salim Javaid is a 30 year old Czech-Pakistani saxophonist who works and lives in Cologne. Javaid is the tangible demonstration of how today the training of musicians can be a path crossing the realities...
Jessica Pavone: Synthesis and action
Sometimes art moves through historical syntheses. The musician's experiences can travel together as a refraction of principles, of previous knowledge, able to connect to his sensitivity and, as Kant said, show the signs of...
field anatomies: Laura Cocks
The evolved musician builds a demanding path to reach certain quality standards. Today it is no longer enough to learn to play an instrument with an excellent visual and perspective capacity for the scores,...
La giovane improvvisazione italiana: Giuseppe Doronzo
Introdurre elementi tradizionali nel jazz non è certo una novità, ma se scaviamo un pò in fondo e guardiamo intorno a quanto viene fatto ancora oggi sull'argomento in Italia, notiamo che sono pochissimi gli...
Franck Bedrossian’s Don Quixote
In Cervantes' Don Quixote of La Mancha, at a certain point, the protagonist of the novel lets himself be lowered into the Montésino's cave and he discovers a world composed of hidden wonders: Don...
La giovane improvvisazione italiana: Mattia Piani
C'è stato un salto di qualità in merito alla trattazione del ritmo nella teoria musicale degli ultimi settanta anni della nostra storia, un cambiamento di rotta che è stato influenzato dalla filosofia: ad Harvard...
Thinking is perceiving: Kaja Draksler at Artacts
Rudolf Arnheim noted that sensory perception was as important as the certainties of rationality and was an anticipation of intellectual knowledge: in the area of the communicative functions of art, the German author recognized...
Le nuove generazioni compositive italiane: Leonardo Di Stefano
L'arte cinetica ci ha insegnato come sia possibile attivare più stimoli nell'osservazione di un'opera o di un manufatto. Sia nel caso in cui c'è staticità che in quello in cui è possibile ottenere un...