Tanja Feichtmair / Fredi Proll / Uli Winter: Trio Now!

"Trio Now!" is based on a strong charge of enthusiasm, with the conscious (but not identical) pride of the "now" of Max Roach's times (We insist!); we are on the border between free, abstract...

Joachim Gies, Ensemble X and Gerd Wameling: Mnemosyne

In "Mnemosyne", you notice the composer's passion for the Greek theater and for the existentialist poets and philosophers: in a performance at Villa Elisabeth in Berlin, Gies plays with the ensemble X (composed by...

Russian jazz musicians: between free and contemporary jazz

Many critics of free improvisation/free jazz insist to give an appropriate value to the sounds that can evoke images or become simulations of an event or an object: this theory is based mainly on...

Anto Pett/Christoph Baumann: Northwind Boogy

The winning feature of this first pearl of 2013 is the resolute character of music that organizes puzzles of sounds in a form extraordinarily personal in which we can affirm to be in front...

Tre raggruppamenti italiani alla Leo Records

  Arrigo Cappelletti Quintet: Hot Music Alla fine degli anni sessanta tra i pianisti che dettavano uno stile vi erano personaggi come Bill Evans, McCoy Tyner o anche l'acerbo Keith Jarrett, ma ve ne era uno...

V. Guyvoronsky with N. Ahsan & D. Kucherov: Around Silence

Vyacheslav Guyvoronsky is considered as the best and most representative jazz trumpeter in Russia: Vyacheslav already has a large group of works done with an eclecticism of substance: no doubt, the best feature of...

John Wolf Brennan/Tony Majdalani/Marco Jencarelli: Pilgrims

After all, John Wolf Brennan has accustomed us to meetings between East and West: those who remember his masterpieces recorded long ago have always perceived his proximity to some aspects of non-Western thought, so...

Another three recordings for Perelman

"The art of duet volume one" is the first of a three-volume series of duets between Ivo Perelman and Matthew Shipp: it reminds us some essential aspects of the combination of sax-piano in jazz,...

Leo News: Goat’s Notes/Yang Jing with Christy Doran

Goat's Notes - Fuzzy Wonder Nelle note di presentazione del loro sito internet questo gruppo russo sembra si sia formato sotto la spinta del pianista Grigory Sandomirsky e del contrabbassista Vladimir Kudryavtsev, a cui si...

Evgeny Masloboev/Anastasia Masloboeva:Russian folksongs in the key of New Jazz/Your beautiful face makes me...

Irkutsk is a large city in southern Siberia, the cultural center of excellence for the region and the midpoint of the Trans-Siberian railway line, although in recent times it has come to the fore...


Alexander Schubert: Terminal Infinity

Nel programma multidisciplinare della Biennale 2025 della filarmonica di Berlino, quest'anno incentrato sull'argomento della natura e le minacce che su di essa incombono, una...