Jane in Ether – Oneiric

The Berlin-based trio Jane in Ether - recorder player Miako Klein, hyper-pianist Magda Mayas and violinist-vocalist Biliana Voutchkova, was founded in 2019, and focuses on slowly developing, long form compositions created in real-time and...

Michael McNeill – Barcode Poetry

American, Buffalo, New York-based pianist-composer-educator Michael McNeill’s projects range from reinterpretations of music by Thelonious Monk, the free improvising trio with veteran double bass player Ken Filiano and drummer Phil Haynes, and his Baltimore-based...

Jeff Arnal / Dietrich Eichmann – Tides of Unrest / Berlin 2023

The duo of American drummer-percussionist-composer Jeff Arnal and German pianist-composer Dietrich Eichmann has forged a dynamic musical partnership spanning more than two decades, beginning with the recording of The Temperature Dropped Again in 2002...

Jean-Luc Guionnet + Ensemble ONCEIM & Motus

Tournures Cessent / Tournures Cessent Orchestrales offers two extended, intriguing variations of a composition by French alto sax player-sound artist-conceptual composer Jean-Luc Guionnet, composed, recorded and mastered between 2016 and 2020, in memory of...

Gaudenz Badrutt x 2: with Tetrao Tetrix and solo

Tetrao Tetrix is the free improv meets sound art trio of three experienced and innovative sonic explorers - Swiss electroacoustic musician Gaudenz Badrutt, French alto sax player Jean-Luc Guionnet, and French-Japanese violist Frantz Loriot....

Jakub Rataj: Kratzer

Nel 2021 il Czech Music Information Centre pubblicò un doppio CD di musica di compositori della Repubblica Ceca sotto i 40 anni (un viatico di scoperte molto interessante, su cui spero di ritornare). Tra...

Eric Maestri – Flowing

Non sono in pochi a pensare che la musica puramente strumentale non sia più parte di un modello di evoluzione culturale. La realtà contemporanea è un ambiente più ricco e incerto della composizione solo...

Spell/Hunger: Piero Bittolo Bon & Andrea Grillini

Spell/Hunger is the Italian, Bologna-based duo of prolific sax player Piero Bittolo Bon, who plays alto (his main instrument), tenor, and baritone saxes, and electronics, whose interest in finding new sounds and new improvisational...

Phillip Greenlief & Kris Tiner – See You This Time

American, West Coast tenor sax player-composer-educator Phillip Greenlief and trumpeter-composer-educator-Epigraph label owner Kris Tiner have explored the post-jazz continuum and connections between improvisational music traditions and systemic practices, blending jazz roots with multiple streams...

Reinhold Friedl & Costis Drygianakis – τὰ ἀμφότερα ἓν / ta amfótera en /...

τὰ ἀμφότερα ἓν / ta amfótera en / two into one (a quote borrowed from the book of Ephesians in the New Testament) documents the first collaboration between German avant-garde pianist-composer and the artistic...


OpusOne Academy

Una bella iniziativa viene dalla Francia e dall'ensemble L'Itinéraire: con OpusOne, accademia d'iniziazione alla composizione, si dà l'occasione a compositori in erba di cominciare...